Thursday, 7 February 2013

BN Going PSYcho Before Its Impending Demise !

Statement by DAP Negeri Sembilan, Seremban Branch Secretary, Nicole Tan Lee Koon (陳丽群)

 “Whom the God would destroy, they first make mad” (Euripides) Nicole Tan Lee Koon, Secretary of Seremban Branch, DAP Negeri Sembilan condemns BN’s latest “Bread and Circuses” stunt by paying  RM 2 million for PSY to perform in Penang as mad ! BN has completely lost the right to lead Malaysians. Only in 1MalaysiaBoleh can the government of the day use tax payers’ money to the tune of RM 2 million to hoodwink the public yet again. In the tradition of Greek and Roman tragedies, BN shall be destroyed in GE 13  ! For whenever the anger of divine spirits harms someone, it first does this: it steals away his(their) mind and good sense, and turns his (their) thought(s) to foolishness, so that he (they) should know nothing of his (their) mistakes.

The term "Bread and Circuses" is a figure of speech for a fake sense of satisfaction or the “feel good” factor. To politicians, it connotes the winning formula for the survival of the Roman Republic for centuries. Both the Roman Republic and China’s Han dynasty lasted for 500 years. The former was an oligarchic democracy which used “bread and circuses” whilst the latter was an absolute monarchy. Instead of winning the citizens’ approval through excellent public service and policies, the Roman Republic gave cheap food and entertainment. The Roman Republic provided the bread and circuses in order to keep the Roman citizens from becoming too discontent with their lives. The Roman government provided the citizens with enough food (bread) so they wouldn't starve and enough entertainment (circuses) so they would be amused. Hence, the Romans elected them again and again.

BN’s breads are the 1Malaysia goodies and handouts (BR1M Part 1 & 2, free tyres for taxi drivers, smart phone allowances for young adults, FELDA’s RM15,000, pay rise for civil servants,
1.5-month bonus for the 1.4 million-strong civil service;  RM250  to unmarried citizens above 21 years old and earning less than RM2,000; schoolchildren got RM100 each; etc.

BN's circuses shows are the alphabet soup management (ETP, GTP, NKRA etc); not forgetting tarring the roads before any General elections. The latest great circus show is the performance by PSY in the Han Chiang school field on February 11th (second day of Chinese New Year) organised by BN.

In fiction, a tragedy is a morally significant struggle, ending in the destruction/downfall of something/someone of great value or importance. The tragic playwrights of ancient Greece such as Euripides (484 BC – 406 BC)  invented the form, later developed by the Romans such as Seneca (4 BC – AD 65), accentuating the role of morality in the conflict. These Greek and Roman playwrights also created the classic warnings as follows : Whom the God would destroy, they first make mad” (Euripides) and “Whom God wishes to destroy, He first make mad” (Seneca); that madness precedes, and causes, destruction. Most importantly, it is the essence of madness that those afflicted by it cannot see it, and scoff as mad those who do. The divine powers that have made them mad, that have turned them against their own vital interests, against themselves, to bring about their own destruction through the agency of a self-destructive ideology, morality or system of beliefs and values prevent them from being aware of either their madness or the fate it brings upon them.
Fact is often stranger than fiction. I put it to you that this shall be the fate awaiting BN for their follies !

Nicole Tan Lee Koon,
Secretary, Seremban branch, DAP NS
Tweet handle : @loyarbaik

Bye Bye BN !!


  1. BN said Psy performance is being paid by private company. But you said it is tax payer money. Can you please show us some links to ascertain what you said is correct? Because if what you said is true, that is a very bad thing by BN.

    Your Ubah Rocket Style video looks very professionally made and there are rumor it cost over a million ringgit to made. I hope that is not true because it's a waste of money so please tell us how much it cost DAP for that video. If you wouldn't then what's this Transparency and Accountability all about?

    1. Transparency and Accountability is : for the rakyat, with the rakyat.


    2. Yes, for the Raykat. The Raykat is now asking Nicole. The Raykat want to know how much it cost to make that expensive looking DAP Gangnam Style video? Who made it? Who paid for it? Show us proof all those rumor of 1.3 million Ringgit is not true. Please show us your Accountability and Transparency in action. Please don't Talk Only.

  2. "Bread and circuses"... so apt to describe BN's magic formula to bluff the people.

    The time is ripe for ubah. But my fear is that some PR leaders may get overconfident and make statements without thinking.

    Cheang from labuan

    1. My fear is that some PR leaders only talk about CAT without putting it into practice. Someone asked about how much it cost to make what looks like professionally made DAP Gangnam video but only silent.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 1. PSY - that private company, Mega Ultimate is an event management company and was set up only three years ago. Their previous track record was they brought Canadian-born Chinese singer Wanting and Korean Group 2am. ...they are in the business of bringing artistes to make money..this PSY event involves 60 staff and 14 big LED screens..PSY’s asking price is USD 500, you tell me why should they pay RM2 million for a BN event? That begs the question : are they going to be "repaid" with other contracts ? or they are merely a front for BN. Oh Tong Keong is telling us that an event management company is footing the entire bill ? If you tell us SP Setia ke, YTL ke, Syed Mokhtar’s company ke, maybe more believable because they can very well afford to foot the bill but yet we would be suspicious of the motive;
    2. Ubah Rocket style video - I was involved with the video. The cameraman cum director, Jack Wong; UBAH mascot, Henry Shim; producer, Junz Wong are all dedicated DAP members who quit their jobs to concentrate on DAP work. Jack is a professional videographer who lent his expertise in the making of the video. They flew all the way from Sabah to Peninsular Msia to help Tony Pua and gang to film this video. They went all over Malaysia on a shoe string budget looking for DAP members from different states to participate in the video. When they reached Sban, I was lucky enough to be able to help out in the Dataran Seremban scene. After they finished filming, they didn't even stay back for lunch due to time constraint. Everyone in DAP got involved and we were not paid at all...

    1. Nicole. What you said about BN is extremely probable. Since they don't shout about CAT so we have to leave it to each to decide whether to believe or disbelieve BN but I think the vast majority will pick the latter.

      What you said of DAP is also very probable but since DAP shout loudly about CAT, you should show us you are better than that. Surely there are some expenses like air fare, hotel bills etc for interested people to double check. So show us your "A" or Accounting in your CAT on this video project. If you don't, you can't disprove the rumor floating around the Internet saying it cost DAP RM 1.3 million to make that Ubah Rocket Style video. So please show us you people can Walk the Talk because Talk is Cheap.
