Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Ng Yen Yen's YES, YES, YES - the fine line between genius and insanity !!!

Ng Yen Yen's YES, YES, YES - the fine line between genius and insanity !!!

Ng Yen Yen had a Yes-No battle with the Melaka folks on Sunday evening (24th Feb, 2013).


This is another example of what I wrote in my earlier article on “Whom the God would destroy, they first make mad” (Euripides).


How else to explain the Right Honourable Minister of Tourism's recent faux pas ? Look at her. She is a medical doctor. She must possess some grey matter between her ears to be able to climb the political ladder of having achieved the status of a full fledged Minister in the cabinet. She chose to engage in a Yes-No battle with the Melaka folks despite having witnessed her boss, Najib's recent fiasco with the Penang folks. The Penang Gerakan youth chief, Oh Tong Keong stated in his press conference that a senior female Minister caused the “Yee Sang” fiasco. According to Oh, “a minister” had instructed the emcee “ad hoc” to invite Psy to toss “Yee Sang”, without informing Psy’s manager ahead of time.
That resulted in shame (in Samy Vellu’s words, “kemaluan kepada saya”) and indignity (in Ghaffar Baba”s words, “we are not in the well”) to the nation when the Prime Minister, former Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers were publicly embarrassed, waiting forlornly for five minutes in vain for Psy to join them.

It does  not end here. The initial version of the “Yee Sang” fiasco was dismissed by by the Penang Barisan Nasional chief, Teng Chang Yeow who came out with a Bollywood-like plot to kill Psy. Hence, Psy could not join the VVIPs for the “Yee Sang” tossing but Teng failed to explain why Psy continued to perform three songs at close proximity with the audience after the “Yee Sang” tossing and why  PSY had a meal without police supervision just before he flew off despite the fact that his life was threatened.

Why did Ng Yen Yen persist in trying to get the Melaka folks to agree with her after the Penang bitter lesson ? You may call it an exercise in power of persuasion but I can safely call it a display of utter contempt of the freedom of choice; a display of utter arrogance bordering on madness; and most importantly, the writing is on the wall. The Rakyat's patience has been drained. Her latest demeanour was the straw that broke the camel's back. I am sure everyone was shocked at the Melaka folks' reaction, especially Yen Yen and the emcee as they both looked non-plussed and flustered.

On the same count, BN (earlier, called Perikatan) started off with a noble cause i.e Perikatan (formed in 1951 but formerly registered in 1957, consisting of UMNO, MCA and MIC was credited for fighting for independence from the British in 1957 and also the formation of Malaysia in 1963.

However, BN's latest series of comedy of errors starting from (i) Lori Gostan's "Gong Xi Fai Cai" greetings (http://pics.lockerz.com/s/281898863) (to the uninitiated, it should have been "Fa Cai" and not "Fai Cai". The former means "amass wealth" whilst the latter means "useless bum"); to (ii) Najib's CNY advertisement that went awry. His name, Najib (纳吉) was written wrongly to connote bad luck. The word "" consist of two words "" and "", not "", ""; to (iii) Najib's embarrassing stint in Penang with Psy i.e for being the only Prime Minister in the world to open an act for an entertainer as opposed to, for eg, recently Psy was the opening act for the new President of Korea, Park Geun Hye; (iv) Najib's "Are you ready for BN?" was answered with a resounding "NO!!!" by the Penang folks; (v) our mainstream media giving different accounts of the PSY event from the alternative media and foreign media. All these seems to suggest that the fine line between genius and insanity has been erased !  Time is ripe now for us to make a change for the better. Are we ready for PR ? Yesssss !!! Yessssss!!!! Yessssss!!!!


  1. Ng Yen Yen should go against someone her own size,like that Sharifah of listen,listen and listen fame.Sharifah would belittle Ng Yen Yen and made her look like a midget.Sharifah's degree is from the land of the bolehs,while Yen Yen's is from the land of the kangaroos.

  2. Dumb Dr tried the same shit at the "Drumming Up The Nation" event in Petaling Street...tried to get the "invited audience" to jawab to her wild rantings of Satu.....Malaysia but she got a feeble response....totally malu!!!! and she dare not try the Yes to BN shit for fear of being totally kemaluan....overheard one of the crowd remarked to his friend, "I'm here just for the makan and door gift"....hehehe....Power back to the Rakyat!!!

  3. Watch this. Super funny !!! : http://youtu.be/0jZq--3TtUg

  4. No her name is ng nen nen cause she want 3Yes so superman hew change hername wth 3N
    NO...NO...NO for her

  5. In all fairness, the crowd were there celebrating CNY. When some shouted 'NO' , the rest responded with a lot of giggles and laughs.So, I don't consider the 'NO's in favor of Pakatan. The oppositions must work real hard toward this GE.You can say a majority of Malaysiana don't read news online. That's where BN has the advantage Make sure online news are circulated to everyone so that they know the actual happening in the country.I suggest, from now on to GE, newspapers from Pakatan parties be given free to the public. I understand the money from the papers contribute to the coffer, but you have to make sacrifice.
