Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Be Grateful 感恩

I am reminded of a little story. One guy was sitting in the airport waiting for his flight. Next to him was an old lady, presumably waiting for her flight. Feeling hungry, he opened a packet of biscuits and started eating. The old lady next to him also dug in and ate the biscuits. Feeling embarrassed, the man did not react and he continued to eat the biscuits. Suddenly, the old lady got up and took the balance of the biscuits away to board her plane. Shell shocked at the lady's behaviour, the man mumbled under his breath and shook his head. Then, he boarded his plane and discovered that his own packet of biscuits was still in his bag. He had mistakenly opened the old lady's packet of biscuits. But it was too late for him to apologise to the old lady. 

The moral of the story : Don't be too quick to judge other people. When you point one finger, four fingers point back at you. Not only ask other people to be grateful to you, ask yourself whether you have been grateful to other people. The old lady did not even complain about the guy eating her biscuits !

Thank you for the encouragement !

On the 30th of July, 2013, I  received an anonymous comment on an article I wrote about my late dad : “I could not stop my tears flowing Nicole. All of you have done well. You go girl.” and yesterday, a charming lady told me in the club that she read my article “Jellyfishers” and encouraged me to write more. These are the little things which I appreciate and treasure.

I am enjoying my new duty as the Political Secretary for YB Teo Kok Seong (Member of Parliament of Rasah) and has neglected to write.  Anyway, I would love to share a small little photo journalism of my journey so far. 

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Teoh Beng Hock's Memorial Service in Nirvana Memorial Park, Semenyih - 14th July, 2013

Nirvana Memorial Park, Semenyih

Teoh Lee Lan, Teoh Er Jia and yours truly

SG/CM Lim Guan Eng

I had the privilege to accompany YB Teo Kok Seong (MP of Rasah) to attend the Memorial Service for Teoh Beng Hock. It is the 4th anniversary of his death. Time really flies ! Just look at his son, Teoh Er Jia, who is also four years old. I can see the sadness in his eyes. 

Watch this space for more of my thoughts.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

My late dad's ACS Class of 1963 Golden Anniversary Reunion Dinner - 12th July 2013

From left to right : Helen Ng, Choo Mei Lin, Liau Thai Min (Sir Liau), Siew Moy, Charlie Chan, need to find out the other two ladies' names

The two special guests greeting each other
Group pix

Hold on !

Fun pix

With Miss Gorgeous and Sexy, Ann Ng


My late dad's ACS Class of 1963 Golden Anniversary Reunion Dinner - 12th July 2013

It is a real honour to be able to represent my late dad. I took the liberty to draft the the epitaph inscribed on his tombstone : "Here is a man who defied all logic and odds. We are your legacies" Here I am, carrying on his legacy !

I was asked to make a speech as the President of the Royal Sungei Ujong Club. In my speech, I said when I first found out that my dad's nickname was 阿掰 or "the crippled", I was taken aback. I told them that to me, my dad was perfect as can be and that 阿掰 has done well to bring up four beautiful daughters, including yours truly !

The special guest for the evening was Mrs Ng Shin Koy who is 85 years old ! Mrs Ng (but she wants to be known as Ann) is very witty ! Ann (according to all my dad’s classmates) is the most gorgeous and sexy teacher that my dad's batch has ever had ! She flew down or rather flew up from Down Under. Another special mention is Siew Moy. She  made a trip from California.

I started my speech by saying that I don't normally prepare for my speeches as I speak from the heart. I ended my speech by quoting, "It is by chance that we have met but it is by choice we became friends. Let us continue this wonderful friendship !” Well, I should have said that it is by chance that we have met but it is by choice that we became friends and remain as friends.

Friday, 12 July 2013

6th of July - Historic Moment !

6th of July, 2013 was the fateful day of  which I was appointed as Member of Parliament, YB Teo Kok Seong's political secretary (a glorified personal assistant some may say). Whatever it is, I am thankful to YB Teo for giving me a political platform. 

I checked 6th July and found that my idol, Sir Thomas More was executed for treason against Henry VIII on that day ! On the other hand, Richard I “the Lionheart” acceded to the English throne in 1189. Richard III was crowned King of England in 1483. I guess it was the best of times and it was the worst of times.

On a lighter note, John Lennon was first introduced to Paul McCartney on the 6th of July, 1957 in Woolton, Liverpool. The most famous statesman born on that day is Stamford Raffles in 1781.

Here are some newspaper clippings on the appointment.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Jellyfishers !

Newton's third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. I learnt that in school during my Form 5 (yes, I was in science stream). I was inspired by a few incidents that happened recently. I noticed that there are some people who delight in making other people’s lives miserable, unwittingly or otherwise. I shudder to think of the motive or reasons for doing so but I can only make a wild guess that their lives are pretty deprived.

I am  reminded of my teenaged days. I used to watch a lot of Hong Kong drama serials. During the 80’s, there was this group of good looking actors in TVB dubbed “The 5 Tigers” comprising of Andy Lau; Tony Leung, Michael Miu, Felix Wong and Kent Tong. They were the most popular actors at that time, much adored by young girls alike. I have this particular friend who hated Andy Lau so much even though he was the most good looking and popular of the lot. The hatred is so deep seated that she would go all out to campaign against Andy Lau. It was a case of David (my friend) vs Goliath (Andy Lau). Only difference is this Goliath didn’t pick a fight. The feeling was not mutual. This Goliath does not know the existence of this David. My friend harnessed all her energy or qi into hating and campaigning against Andy Lau even though Andy Lau did not wrong her in any way. It was a futile exercise.  I am still clueless on why she did it. I can only guess that she lacked so much attention that she was jealous of the adulation Andy Lau was getting. What is my point, you may ask. My point is simple some people just like to see other people suffer despite not knowing the person either out of spite or for some reasons only God knows.

This morning I heard a new expression from Capital FM (my favourite radio station) called the “Jellyfisher”. Jellyfishers: In Bridget Jones’ Diary,  engaging in a conversation with Jellyfishers is like swimming through a school of jellyfish. Jellyfishers are always saying things to hurt you. They make no apologies and often hide behind telling it like it is or that they were just being frank/direct. They are saying what they say to be cruel and hurt people, not for any helpful/constructive purpose. Imagine an early morning “jellyfish” comment. It really spoils your day. I am like if you do not have anything good to say, better shut your gap.

Using Newton’s Third Law, for every bad action there is an equally bad reaction. I am reminded of an ancient Japanese (some attributed it to Sun Tzu) saying : “If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by." I am patient enough. To all those “jellyfishers” I have loved/hated before, get a life !