Thursday, 31 January 2013

All Are True Fighters - Thoughts from the Past, Part 2

One of my favourite articles. I actually wrote this in 2005 ! ( (

Thoughts from the Past, Part 2 - All Are True Fighters 

I read with great interest Joceline Tan's analysis "The true fighters for Merdeka" (Sept 7, 2005) ( I also read Ronnie Liu's "The real fighters for MERDEKA" (Sept 3, 2005) ( The latter has provoked UMNO Youth to challenge DAP to repeat that statement in the Parliament. Who’s wrong or who’s right? Let me juxtapose four individuals who “fought” for independence, against each other and let you decide.

Mahatma Gandhi "fought" for the independence of India from British colonial rule, empowered by tens of millions of common Indians. Throughout the struggle of the Indian campaign for home rule, he opposed any form of terrorism or violence. He used the highest moral standards. By means of non-violent civil disobedience or demonstrations, Gandhi helped bring about India's independence from British rule, inspiring other colonial peoples to work for their own independence and ultimately dismantling the British Empire.
Lee Kuan Yew having observed the Communists to be very totally dedicated and devoted to their cause, collaborated with the Communists like Fang Chuang Pi ("the Plen"), Lim Chin Siong and Fong Swee Suan. Anti-colonialism was their common cause. While he preferred to play within the existing legal framework by using pragmatism to achieve Singapore's independence, the communists wanted to replace the existing system with communist rule, which inevitably mean bloodshed. Nonetheless, he played along with pro-Communists' popularity. Once in power, Lee Kuan Yew sought to dilute the influence of the Communists in a bigger population by merging with Malaya and at the same time achieve independence from the British. Lee Kuan Yew later admitted that it was the communists who supported him in becoming the Prime Minister in 1959, in his memoirs. He defined the official position of the PAP as being "non-communist" rather than "anti-communist". 
During the constitutional struggle for independence, Tunku Abdul Rahman did not adopt a manifesto denouncing colonialism. We cannot deny the fact that Tunku was indeed a very senior civil servant of the British government. He was part of the system. I guess the adage “if you can’t beat them, join them” comes to mind. The difference is however, Tunku did not just to join them but he chose to “fight” them within the system. Tunku used negotiations and consultation in order to “fight” for independence. The Alliance, a coalition of UMNO; MCA and MIC, was formed as a formula for a stable self-government. Of course, the pressure mounted by the Communist Party of Malaya and the Baling talks added weight to the “fight”.

Chin Peng “fought” the Japanese and British. He  waged war against  the enemies and invaders. He chose the harder road of guerrilla warfare because of he had gone through the ghastly period of the corrupt British Military Administration in Malayan towns and villages and seen the sufferings and poverty due the Japanese atrocities. In fact, Maharaja Lela killed JWW Birch in Pasir Salak and he is now a hero. CPM killed Sir Henry Gurney and they are now terrorists. Armed struggle all over the world is rooted in a deeper cause, provoked by discontentment arising from the breakdown of the socio-economic and political system they are in. The Government has acknowledged that the CPM did play a part in hastening the independence of Malaysia. Tan Sri Rahim Noor affirmed this fact at the signing of the Haadyai Peace Accord of 1989 at the Lee Garden Hotel. Communism failed in Malaysia because of the Briggs Plan; in-fighting; and most importantly, there was no close and strong ally, like what Vietnam had in China. 

This is definitely a blessing in disguise. Joceline is astute in her observations that had the Communists succeeded, the country would have been a little communist state with Cultural Revolution and Great Leap Forward to boot. One interesting point I would like to highlight is that the Communist Party of Malaya was actually started in a little rubber estate in Kuala Pilah back in 30-4-1930 presided over by Ho Chih-Min ! I would gather that Kuala Pilah might have more significance if the country swayed to the left, hypothetically speaking of course.  In fact, if the country had been left to its own devices, it may very well ended up like Vietnam and the rest of the Indochina countries.

The smoke screen here is that both parties’ (DAP and UMNO Youth) contention on the correctness of their argument. To me it is crystal clear, they were all the true fighters against the colonial masters. Fighting can be in many ways. Whereas some individuals and parties resorted to violence and guerrilla warfare, Gandhi resorted to non-violence civil disobedience; Lee Kuan Yew resorted to a collaboration with the communists (i.e., a pseudo-communist means) for a democratic end; and Tunku Abdul Rahman resorted to democratic means, preceded and hastened by the “fight” by Dato’ Bahaman, Mat Kilau, Mat Kelubi, Maharaja Lela, Chin Peng & CPM,  PKMM and API  (although there was no collaboration) for a democratic end. The real test is not whether the “fighters” were jailed, killed or maimed but whether they succeeded in achieving their goal. To me, they were all true fighters as they contributed one way or another to the achieve their common goal : INDEPENDENCE.

As Gandhi said: "I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and non-violence are as old as the hills."

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Tribute to Sir Thomas More - Thoughts from the Past, Part 1

I wrote many articles before I joined politics. I thought I should share it with you guys. Shall call these articles as "Thoughts from the Past".

This is a tribute to my idol, Sir or St Thomas More (canonized in 1935), the only lawyer canonised in history besides St Ivo, in 1347. Sir Thomas coined the term “Utopia.” He has impacted us much. This is how Robert Whittinton described him : “A man of an angel's wit and singular learning. I know not his fellow. For where is the man of that gentleness, lowliness and affability? And, as time requireth, a man of marvelous mirth and pastimes, and sometime of as sad gravity. A man for all seasons.”

Sir Thomas was once chided by his son-in-law Roper for giving the Devil (Richard Rich) the benefit of law and Roper said that he would cut down every law in England to get the Devil. Sir Thomas then so astutely retorted, “Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down,…, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!”. That was the kind of person Sir Thomas was. He would give the Devil the benefit of law to uphold the rule of law, no matter how absurd or strange or quirky the laws were.

Eventually, Sir Thomas was executed in 1535 for steadfastly holding on to his religious convictions by refusing to approve King Henry VIII’s divorce of Catherine of Aragorn in order to marry Anne Boleyn. In order to divorce Catherine, Henry VIII had to break away from the Roman Catholic Church and made himself the Head of the Church of England, something which Sir Thomas refused to recognise. That explains why, under the reign of Elizabeth I (Henry VIII’s daughter with Anne Boleyn), any person found guilty of "harbouring a Catholic priest" would be tortured or even hanged. Any priest of the Catholic faith who was caught would be hanged, drawn, and quartered (explained below).

The man instrumental in getting Sir Thomas executed was Thomas Cromwell. Flash forward 112 years later. Thomas Cromwell’s great great nephew, Oliver Cromwell, the Lord Protector of England. The English Interregnum lasted from 1649-1660. Oliver Cromwell was instrumental in leading the revolt against the monarchy that led to the beheading of King Charles I.

Did you know that celebrating Christmas was illegal in England under Oliver Cromwell? In 1647 (since 1646 England had been ruled solely by Parliament), Christmas festivities were banned by the Puritan leader Oliver Cromwell, who considered feasting and revelry on a holy day to be immoral. During his reign, Oliver Cromwell also banned the eating of mince pies on Christmas day, as the pies were insufficiently Puritan. Ingredients of mince pies were considered pagan in origin, and their consumption a part of ancient fertility rituals. The law dates from the puritan era, the same time that dancing in church, maypoles, and holly and ivy decorations were outlawed. The laws were never officially repealed because upon the restoration of the monarchy, (in the form of Charles II) all laws formed under the protectorate were ignored as invalid. The ban was finally lifted in 1660.

Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England and scourge of the monarchists, died [of malaria?] on 3rd September 1658. 18 months later the monarchy had been restored and the royalists wanted revenge for the regicide of King Charles I. Cromwell was “hanged, drawn & quartered”. Cromwell's corpse was exhumed from his tomb in Westminster Abbey and dragged through the streets of London to Tyburn (“drawn”). He was then given a symbolic hanging. 6 hours later his corpse was taken down from the gallows (“hanged”); Disembowelled, and the genitalia and entrails burned before the victim's eyes; the heart was the last to be removed and was then shown to the victim before the entrails were burned. Beheaded by an executioner and the body divided into four parts (“quartered”). Typically, the resulting five parts (i.e., the four quarters of the body and the head) were gibbeted (put on public display) in different parts of the city or town. His head was then paraded through the streets before being stuck on an iron spike and displayed atop Westminster Hall. A gross but effective way to deter would-be traitors

Coming back to our Sir Thomas More. I have just been given a DVD titled “A Man For All Seasons” by a senior and learned counsel who wants to remain anonymous. It is a 1966 Fred Zinnemann’s movie adaptation of a play by Robert Bolt. The protagonist is one Sir Thomas More, posthumously known as Saint Thomas More.

The movie was plodding along as the character of Cardinal Wolsey (played by Orson Welles) chides Sir Thomas More (played by Paul Scofield) for being a plodder. However, there was never a dull moment as the plot escalates from the first scene, i.e, the confrontation between Cardinal Wolsey and Sir Thomas pertaining to the latter’s opposition. This story is pertinent to us lawyers who should practise without fear or fervour. Sir Thomas More was beheaded for standing on his ground; for refusing to budge in the midst of intense pressure; bowing only to God.

I read the history of King Henry VIII (part of the Tudor era) but nothing beats watching a movie depiction of it. The characters just come alive and you are transported to the era with all its trappings. Dialogues just stick like glue. There were many interesting scenes. The first was the banter in the household of Sir Thomas, where they stated that every other bastard in England was fathered by a priest. However, Sir Thomas was quick to add that in utopia, it would never happen as there the priests are all holy. Then, his dear wife, Alice so sarcastically said that then there would be very few of them (priests) in utopia. Also, there is the dialogue between Cardinal Wolsey and Sir Thomas.

My favourite line from that scene is where the Cardinal tells Sir Thomas that if only Sir Thomas would look at this without the moral squint, then Sir Thomas could become a great statesman. Then there is this scene where Sir Thomas’ son-in-law, William Roper (also a lawyer) argued with Sir Thomas about the laws of the land and the laws of God. Of course, all the above culminated in the court where Sir Thomas was charged for high treason. There, Thomas Cromwell argued with Sir Thomas about the right to silence.

It is interesting to note that King Henry VIII was a writer poet singer in his own right. That explains his erratic behaviour. He was credited for composing the English folk song, “Greensleeves”.

To sum up history in a cynical manner,           we may argue that the Chinese diaspora was the indirect effect of King Henry VIII’s reign, a king who loved wine, women and song. The product of the “unholy” union between Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn is Queen Elizabeth I. Elizabeth I reigned from 1553-1603, the “Golden Era” or the Elizabethan era. It was the era of the emerging British imperial power. There was rivalry between Protestant England and Roman Catholic Spain. Then England defeated the Spanish in the Anglo-Spanish war on 8th August 1588. The repulse of the Spanish navy solidified the Protestant cause across Europe and revolutionised naval warfare. England remained true to its Protestant revolution and was now free to pursue its commercial interests in North America. The failure of the Armada to win a quick victory against England meant that Philip I would not be able to concentrate his forces on recovering the Netherlands.

Fifty years after the Armada expedition, the Dutch, who had been steadily increasing their naval power, destroyed Spanish dominance at sea (at the Battle of the Downs in 1639). It was only during the Napoleonic Wars that the British navy finally established its overwhelming mastery at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. All the above were the precursors to the subsequent colonisation of the then Malaya. The imperial “masters” then brought in Chinese labourers in huge numbers to work here.

Sir Thomas More also had an indirect impact, as his idea of “Utopia” became the basis for Karl Marx’s vision of the ideal communist state.

The steadfastness with which Sir Thomas More held on to the rule of law; his religious convictions in the face of ruin and death, and the dignity with which he conducted himself during his imprisonment, trial and execution should serve as an example to us all, now living in a decadent world.

I would like to end with one of More’s quotes “If honour were profitable, everybody would be honourable.”

Listen, Listen, Listen ! and Racist, Racist, Racist ! - Uncanny Similarities. Just watch the two videos.

Listen, Listen, Listen ! and Racist, Racist, Racist ! - Uncanny Similarities. Just watch the two videos.

Similar condescending manner, similar tone, similar arrogance. Both bodoh sombong. Definition of bodoh sombong : you are actually very stupid but are too stupid to realise that you are stupid and think you are very clever.

Harbinger for a Regime Change !!

I am simply elated as it is not only a harbinger for a regime change in Malaysia it is a small step for Lee Li Lian but a giant leap for women representation in politics !!

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Sakmongkol AK47 linked me !

I am indeed honoured. Much obliged, bro !

Even the Devil (You Know And Not The Angel That You Don’t?) Should Be Given the Benefit of the Law

The following article by Kim Quek is basically a “Project M or Project IC for dummies” : I would like to add my two sens’ worth of thought on it.  You see, it is a well-known secret that Dr M started this clandestine project in the 1990’s to capture Sabah for UMNO.

After much pressure from the Opposition, a Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) on Integrity headed by Bernard Dompok was set up in February 2007. Three months later, Dompok quit as chairman of the committee over disagreements on the function and scope of the committee, in particular, over the refusal of the National Registration Department to appear before the committee. The findings of the PSC were never made public.

In May 2008, Lim Kit Siang tabled a motion to set up a Royal Commission to investigate the problems relating to illegal immigrants in Sabah. The motion however was rejected by the Deputy Speaker of the Dewan Rakyat, Ronald Kiandee. Subsequently, Pak Lah announced the setting up of a high powered cabinet committee chaired by the then Deputy PM Najib Tun Razak. However, it was pointed out by a senior Sabahan politician Chong Eng Leong similar committees were set up in 2000 and 2006 without any results. Merely lip service to pacify  Sabahans.

There were several government crackdown operations to deport illegal immigrants since the 1990s. The last crackdown was in August 2008. These operations served to deport immigrants without proper documentations but it does not serve to address the issue of Project IC.

Najib not only did not produce any results from the so-called high powered cabinet committee, he became an expert in giving out citizenships to illegal immigrants himself as it was stated  that whilst Dr M had given citizenships to foreigners in Sabah to stay in power, Najib is now doing the same in the whole country ! 
( )

The whole exercise, according to Raja Petra was like a Hollywood movie script. It seems that UMNO used funds from Libya to cut a deal with Abu Sayyaf to overthrow PBS in Sabah. Dr M finally admitted that he gave out citizenships during his tenure and claimed that it was legal. Dr M conveniently disregarded the Reid Commission  by saying that what he did was as legal as what Tunku Abdul Rahman did by giving out citizenships to Chinese and Indians !

Remember the unsuccessful coup d’etat by the Al Ma’unah ? Mohamed Amin and his group were charged  for  "waging war against the King" or treason, and became the first people convicted of such an offence in Malaysia. I opine that what Dr M, Megat Junid, Aziz Shamsuddin and Najib did (if found to be true) was even more serious than Al Ma’unah and if found to be true, they should be charged with high treason !

Interestingly, Al Ma’unah was charged for treason which is a British legacy under the Malaysian common law. Back in the Henry VIII days, the punishment for high treason was “hanged, drawn and quartered”. Convicts were fastened to a wooden panel, and drawn by horse to the place of execution, where they were hanged (almost to the point of death), disembowelled and quartered (chopped into four pieces). Their body parts were then displayed in prominent places across the country, such as London Bridge. I know one anti-Dr M guy who used to jokingly say that he wants to see Dr M hanged between the Petronas twin towers in his inebriated state. It may be proper during the Middle Ages but not at this time and age. As I subscribe to  Sir Thomas More’s contention that even the devil (that we know and not the angel that we don’t?)  must be given the benefit of the law.

In conclusion, I hope that perpetrators of such blatant and treasonous acts of giving out citizenships to illegal immigrants in order to continue their hegemony be brought to justice with the due process of law. 

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Where are the pies ?

One day, I was having a chat with my father in law and he told me that one must respect the elders. Even if the elders are wrong, do not correct them. Just agree with them even though they are wrong. I immediately told him that I would be a hypocrite if I do that and it would be against my conscience to do that. 

In the process, I found that I am not well liked by people whom I had to correct in public even though I may be right (most of the time!). In fact, some of these people avoid me because they will never know when I would publicly humiliate them again. This includes fellow lawyers. In fact, I have been told by a senior guy that men do not like to be corrected in public. This phenomenon does not only affect the old. Even the young ones do not like to associate with me so much because they feel intimidated by me. 

I am the partner in a law firm and have many staff working together with me. I am used to being fastidious when it comes to work. I get things done that way. I had to delegate my work so that I can concentrate on my political career (if there ever was one). I have been told off by a young guy that he wanted to report me to the labour department for mistreating my driver. He said that my driver had to immediately drop everything when I was ready to go. The reason why I employed a driver was because I wanted to convenience myself. If I allowed my driver to take his own sweet time and have his coffee or read the newspaper whilst I waited for him; if I allowed my driver to be tardy and wait for him and let all my appointments go haywire, I might as well drive myself. That young guy who told me off, even though in a jest, is one of the many grass root supporters and party loyalists. 

I must relate an incident when I was 17 years old. I went to a youth camp organised by my mother church. Most of the youths in my church went to the camp. We chartered a bus. There was this "big man on campus" or the most popular guy in my church. Most of the girls in my church admired him. I admire him but not romantically but because he was really smart and talented. 

As we got on the bus, I found a seat near the window and near the exit. I have this fetish for those seats. It was a daily struggle to "book" that special seat on my "Ah Pek's bas sekolah". Debbie Hooi and Christopher Wong were always "fighting" with me over that special seat. Anyway, I digressed. Lo and behold ! Who came and sat next to me but "Mr Popular" ? Well, that caused so much jealousy and strife that was mind boggling to say the least. I guess the reason why he chose to sit next to me was because he knew I did not have the hots for him. 

During the youth camp, we were broken into groups and mingled with youths from other churches. I made many friends. Then, I noticed a sudden change of attitude in one of my fellow youths from Seremban. Let us call her "JT". She would completely ignore me and gave me the cold shoulder. Then we came back to Seremban and she continued to give me the cold treatment. 

I had to get it off my chest and I pulled her aside and asked her why the sudden change of attitude. She told me it was because I was so popular that I "stole" her friends from her. That whenever she was having a chat with her friends and when I came along they would ignore her and pay all their attention to me. I told her that I never intended to steal her friends from her.

I will try to juxtapose that incident that happened 26 years ago and the current predicament I am in now. You see, some people can't stand my guts. My confidence is seen as arrogance. My constructive criticisms are seen to be an effort to belittle or humiliate them. 

My husband just told me that I will not survive long in the political arena if I want to stick to my conscience. He is absolutely  right as can be seen from my so-called faux pas. I need to grit my teeth and shut my gap, perhaps correct them in private. I need to give face to people and not offend them even though they may be wrong. I need to treat young party loyalists with tender loving care. I need to be more empathetic towards their cause and relate more to their feelings. That reminds me of Forrest Gump's "stupid is as stupid does". It means an intelligent person who does stupid things is still stupid. That aptly described my follies. I need to eat the humble pie !! Ate quite a few though ever since I entered politics. It's a learning curve and I am still game !! Where are the pies ?? I need to eat more humble pies. 

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Cubic Listening

I would like to jump into the "Listen, Listen, Listen" bandwagon. At first, I thought the whole episode reeked of a local reality show. Then I googled "KS Bawani" and found her Facebook page i.e Bawani KS. Interestingly, she only had 7 likes in December and as I write now, she has more than 19,700 likes ! Bawani became an overnight sensation after her video went viral. Popular Malaysian artistes like Yuri and Namewee even made video parodies of the incident.

My take on the whole thing. Sharifah is the epitome of an absolute power corrupting absolutely. Just like BN who was in power for the past 55 years and has become complacent. Bawani is the epitome of the suppression of freedom. Just like the Rakyat who allowed BN to be in power year in year out for the past 55 years. The Rakyat who was supposed to be the boss who voted BN, the servant to serve them, have the tables turned on them. Now, the Rakyat is subjected to draconian laws that restrict freedom of expression and speech (Peaceful Assembly Act, Police Act and Sedition Act) and restrict freedom of information (OSA) so that they can continue  to plunder the nation’s wealth by dishing out mega contracts to cronies and deplete the nation’s natural resources.

Sharifah had the audacity to say that she was being respectful towards Bawani. It is so typical BN style to be oblivious of their follies. Asking critics (no matter how constructive) to leave the country if they are not happy is another example BN’s arrogant style. Expecting other party to “listen, listen, listen to me” and not allowing the other party to speak is the actual depiction of the relationship among the BN’s main component parties of UMNO, MCA and MIC. When UMNO talks, the others just listen and agree.

Where do we go from here ? Quo vadis?  Remember pre-2008 when  BN had the two thirds majority and the effects of the 2008 political earthquake that denied them the two thirds majority ?  Remember the pre-2008, exhibition of Ketuanan Melayu during the UMNO general assembly and the post-2008, incessant attacks on the opposition being the main agendas of UMNO and MCA general assemblies ? That showed us that we the Rakyat possess the power to make a difference. The Peoples’ Power (Makkal Sakti). We need to remove them from power in order to remove these shackles that are preventing us to move forward to a better future. Make them “listen, listen, listen” to us !!!

Juggling Politics With Everything Else

I have been asked many times about my private life ever since I joined politics in 2010. They want to know how  it will  affect my relationship with my hubby. My dear hubby is one of the most caring person I have ever known. He is so selfless and simple. He is the type that supports silently. I have complete faith in him and I hope vice versa. 

Yet,  I can only tell them this : life is not certain. Seize the day. If it's not meant to be it's not meant to be. However, no matter how uncertain my faith is, I will abide with the decision of the party. In the meantime, I shall continue to work hard!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

I Wish for a Better Malaysia !

I was posed an interesting question today (I paraphrased): Will PR prosecute those who bring children to BN-organised organised rally, when PR takes over Putrajaya? If in the negative, will PR abolish the relevant Child Act 2001's sections that disallow children participation in a political motivated rally.
Let me give you the background first. You see I received the following sms from The Star alert :  "Social Welfare DG : Those who take children to the Opposition-organised rally on Saturday are risking prosecution under the Child Act 2001". So I asked on Facebook : “My question : Does that mean that if it was a BN-organised then no prosecution ?”

This was how I answered : As a lawyer, my stand is as long as there is a law, we will have to abide by it. Children Act 2001 is a valid and binding law. The authorities can prosecute if there are any contraventions. However, I take umbrage at BN’s double standard execution of such law. Firstly, schoolchildren and civil servants were required to attend the 1Malaysia rally. Secondly, the above sms was drafted "opposition-organised rally".

As for PR's stand, I am sure PR is also law-abiding. Although, I can't officially give PR's stand as I am only a minor leader.

I also added that when PR takes over then many laws will have to be revisited either to amend or repeal them.  In the meantime, we would have to adhere to the laws created by BN no matter how draconian or politically motivated they are. We still have the right to declare laws to be invalid ii contravention of the Constitution. 

I even quoted my favourite statesman cum lawyer, Sir Thomas More's dialogue with William Roper :
William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!
Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?
William Roper: Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!
Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!

On that note, I opine that children should be allowed to participate in peaceful rallies especially if the permit was given and that should PR takes over Putrajaya then UBAH should not be done in a piecemeal manner. Draconian and politically-motivated laws need to be overhauled.
The reader asked an even more amusing question : “do you wish to be  our PM doubled as our Law Minister?”
I replied : I only wish for a better Malaysia !!

Endnote : The reader also quoted Deng Xiaopeng’s  “空谈误国,实干兴邦,不要再进行所谓的争论了”, which means “Empty talks would lead the country astray, and hard work can rejuvenate the nation, stop impractical arguments”.
I believe that PR can walk the talk and not using mere rhetorics. The Pakatan states have proven that. Having said that, we need time for a complete overhaul of what was done for the past 55 years. By engaging in lively debates like the American Presidential debates would be the way forward. Even rakyats like us can engage in lively debates on social media like this would not be deemed as impracticable arguments.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Blossom Run 2013

Date : 20th Jan 2013
Time : 6.45 am
Venue : Oakland behind Rapid (old tesco)
Damage : RM12 (19 yrs old and above) and RM6 (below 19)

Download form :

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Ubah Rocket Style Music Video

Ubah Rocket Style music video

To those uninitiated, Ubah Rocket Style is a music video by DAP which parodies Oppa Gangnam Style. The soft launch of the music video was during the DAP Congress in Penang in December, 2012. The official launch was on the 2nd of January, 2013 in the Kl and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall.  I was in a few seconds of the music video. Many of my friends called me to verify whether it was me in the video.

It all started when I received a phone call from YB Wong May May asking me to join in their dance performance for her constituency Mambau's Malam Ubah. I immediately agreed as I was practically doing the gangnam style about six times a week ! I attend fitness dance classes as a substitute for my treadmill/running exercises which I have been doing for the past twenty over years. My knees gave way and my good friend Susan Ho recommended me to do fitness dance. My first lesson about two years ago was quite a disaster. I had two left feet and my coordination was all over the place. Finally, I managed to get the hang of it after a few months of intensive lessons.

We had a few dance rehearsals choreographed by an accomplished dance   teacher, Crystal.  After May May's Malam Ubah, we were practically like “superstars” getting invitations to perform by other constituencies. May May even made a music video of us, shot in the Seremban Lake gardens. Then, DAP HQ asked us to join them in their music video. It was shot in Dataran Seremban. It was a fantastic experience working with Junz, Jack and Henry. Later, I found out that it was under the DAP Publicity Bureau headed by YB Tony Pua, YB Teo Nie Ching and Yeo Bee Yin. Look at the final product. It was truly amazing!

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Kuala Pilah Guangdong Association 45th Anniversary Dinner – 5th Jan, 2013

Postscript : I received a very good feedback from Anonymous that after reading this particular posting on the KP Guangdong Asso, I am a Chinese Superimist (sic) and no different from BN. Anonymous further stated that there are two types of supremacist, i.e active and passive. The active ones are like Perkasa and the passive ones are those who glorify ethnic based associations etc. 

There is a difference between China and Malaysia. Historically, China was united through wars and strife from Shi Huangdi in the 3rd century BC to the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), a social-political movement /violent class struggle to enforce communism in the country by removing capitalist, traditional and cultural elements from Chinese society. The Cultural Revolution paralysed China politically and significantly affected the country economically and socially. Further, due to the rich history and culture of China, all the foreign conquerors were sinicised. 

Whereas, in Malaysia we are a multi racial country due to the major influx of immigrants from China and India from the 14th century AD onwards. We never experienced assimilation through nationalism in Indonesia and Thailand. Therefore, the various cultures and practices are very much ingrained and embedded in our society. 

There is a big difference between BN's practices and Anonymous' so-called passive supremacist. The former protects its individual race at the expense of the other races. To be proud of ones' culture and heritage is quite different from that. For eg, is it wrong for Anonymous' children to be proud of Anonymous' family lineage, family name, culture and heritage? I think not. I am proud of being a Teochew but not at the expense of anyone else. Of course, we should be all Malaysians first ! 

Kuala Pilah Guangdong Association 45th Anniversary Dinner – 5th Jan, 2013

How time flies! I was called to the Bar in 1996. Worked in Messrs. Lee Boon Peng, Seremban branch (HQ). I needed to travel to Lukut and Nilai to help run the branches then. Later, I was sent to the Kuala Pilah branch in 1998 to head it. I felt miserable as being a brash young lawyer I wanted the bright lights big city. I grudgingly went as that was an opportunity to become the partner of the firm. Initially, I had no friends but eventually I built a client base. Most of my clients became my friends. Now, 15 years later, I am proud to say Kuala Pilah is a pivotal part of my life!

I was invited to attend the abovementioned dinner. During my speech,  I said that I have a close nexus with Guangdong Association. Firstly, I am their legal adviser for the Kuala Pilah branch. Secondly, my dad is a Teochew, which is situated in the Guangdong province. Thirdly, my mom is a Guangxi. Guangxi province is situated next to Guangdong province. Guangdong and Guangxi provinces are known as "Dual-Guangs" (兩廣). Guangdong province has many achievements. Being the 15th largest province in term of size, it has the highest GDP (half of India's) and the most populous with 100 million people. Famous Guangdong people are Li Kashing (world's richest Chinese. He is a Teochew). Sun Yat Sen (the famous revolutionist) was born in Zhongzhan, Guangdong. The most shocking revelation I gave them  was that the Communist Party was started in Kuala Pilah, according to Chin Peng's autobiography. The Communist Party Malaya (CPM)’s inaugural meeting was held in Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan in 1930 where Ho Chi Minh was present !

It was an enjoyable evening catching up with my old friends/clients. Many who have not seen me for quite some time. The organising chairman, Ping Wong wanted to showcase cantonese music or songs, especially songs composed by Joseph Ku and Wong Jim and made it like a mini concert with three segments i.e songs from TVB dramas; songs by everlasting Cantopop artists and latest Cantopop songs. He could sing like a Hong Kong pop star and looks like one too. We were entertained by singers with songs of yesteryears reminding me of the good old days of watching VHS videos of Cantonese serials. Songs like Shanghai Beach, The Brothers, Man in the Net etc. Later, I had a great time reminiscing with songs by Leslie Cheung, Danny Chan, Sam Hui, Roman Tam etc. The evening ended with Gangnam style (even though not connected with Cantopop) due to popular demand. I was lucky they did not ask me to perform. 

From left to right : Chairman of the KP Guangdong Association, Lee Wai; The immediate past Chairman, Lee Ah Kow aka 師爺

I was flanked by Lee Ah Kow and the Organising Chairman, Lau Ping Wong

Saturday, 5 January 2013




先父还在嗷嗷待哺的时候,我的祖父已经过世,留下我祖母一人和四个孩子,靠着一些散工,把孩子抚养长大。先父在读完初级教育文凭后就开始出外谋生。他在Guthrie Chemara(牙直利集团)工作,一步步的升级,在退休前,他是一名初级主管。我们一家,只靠他一人养家糊口。虽然他身体有残缺,却是一名网球健将,有人如是告诉我。他确实是我们的榜样,他能够比其他拥有健全体格的人跑得更快,跳得更高,其实,在爬楼梯时,他蹦蹦跳跳的,而不是规规矩矩的走路。除了他其中一条腿比较小之外,我完全不觉得他有任何残缺。先父的朋友告诉我,他的算术很好。在离开学校后,他就在牙直利集团上班,除了出差到印尼,他从未离开过公司。












Our last family photo together.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

FLOM - To parody or not ? That is the question.

UBAH Rocket Style New Year Launch party - 2nd of January, 2012

I received two complaints so far from my FB page that last night's UBAH Rocket Style party's parody of Rosmah aka FLOP (First Lady of the beloved Prime Minister) was childish. Let me give you a brief background. Last night, I attended the abovementioned event. It was held in the KL and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall. There was a  skit involving PSY and Rosmah impersonators. It was a stand up comedy ala Saturday Night Live on NBC in USA.  

Two readers of my blog commented that it was childish. They are saying that the difference between us, Pakatan and BN is UBAH. How can we UBAH if we act like BN i.e personal attacks. One of them ("The first reader") went on to say there’s no difference between the parody of Rosmah and the butt shaking in front of Ambiga’s house.

Well, my two sens' worth. I shall give an example of when one is defamed, there are defences available for the Defendant in order to absolve himself/herself i.e fair comment or justification. The fact that we put our necks and open ourselves to such a suit (which may include criminal defamation prosecution) means that we are not afraid of the consequences as we have our defences.

To compare Rosmah and Ambiga is an insult to the latter but anyway, Ambiga demanded for a clean and fair election aka BERSIH whereas Rosmah has been caught red handed with her different Birkins for different outfits. Rosmah’s name was on the customs papers for the USD24 million ring. There were many reports on her extravagant shopping trips not by the alternative media but by the foreign media.

One reader came to our defence saying that in more mature democratic  countries like USA,  parody is part and parcel of life. They have  shows like SNL, David Letterman, Jay Leno etc making fun of politicians.  A mature civil society should be able to laugh at themselves.

The first  reader was of the opinion that talk show hosts are not politicians although they may support them. The talk show hosts  job was to gain criticism and infamy. The more infamous they get, the better their ratings are. The job of a politician is to be a leader that the rakyat can look up to. A leader that hopefully is better than we are.

The whole spirit of Ubah is to "change", because we have a corrupt, gutter politic, racist goverment. A government that is childish with childish politicians preying on fear and calling people names with posters like gay and lesbian. The first reader trust the Opposition's leadership is better than what we have.

In developed countries, there's a measure of decorum that is followed. Upcoming low level politicians still shoot their mouths off. They keep one or two of these troublemakers for their entertainment value and as dogs for dirty jobs but as far as the no.1 people are concerned and party events you don't parody your opponent's wife. You do not sully yourself with the dirty work.

To that I say. Although I agree that talk show hosts are different from politicians, we always fall back on justification and fair comment. Childish? Well, just like how we love to belittle our loved ones in a very endearing manner. Is that childish or just plain humour ? Think about it. Life is too short to be too idealistic. It is good to be humans as humans are not perfect!

Guess who I bumped into last night ?