Tuesday, 15 January 2013

I Wish for a Better Malaysia !

I was posed an interesting question today (I paraphrased): Will PR prosecute those who bring children to BN-organised organised rally, when PR takes over Putrajaya? If in the negative, will PR abolish the relevant Child Act 2001's sections that disallow children participation in a political motivated rally.
Let me give you the background first. You see I received the following sms from The Star alert :  "Social Welfare DG : Those who take children to the Opposition-organised rally on Saturday are risking prosecution under the Child Act 2001". So I asked on Facebook : “My question : Does that mean that if it was a BN-organised then no prosecution ?”

This was how I answered : As a lawyer, my stand is as long as there is a law, we will have to abide by it. Children Act 2001 is a valid and binding law. The authorities can prosecute if there are any contraventions. However, I take umbrage at BN’s double standard execution of such law. Firstly, schoolchildren and civil servants were required to attend the 1Malaysia rally. Secondly, the above sms was drafted "opposition-organised rally".

As for PR's stand, I am sure PR is also law-abiding. Although, I can't officially give PR's stand as I am only a minor leader.

I also added that when PR takes over then many laws will have to be revisited either to amend or repeal them.  In the meantime, we would have to adhere to the laws created by BN no matter how draconian or politically motivated they are. We still have the right to declare laws to be invalid ii contravention of the Constitution. 

I even quoted my favourite statesman cum lawyer, Sir Thomas More's dialogue with William Roper :
William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!
Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?
William Roper: Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!
Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!

On that note, I opine that children should be allowed to participate in peaceful rallies especially if the permit was given and that should PR takes over Putrajaya then UBAH should not be done in a piecemeal manner. Draconian and politically-motivated laws need to be overhauled.
The reader asked an even more amusing question : “do you wish to be  our PM doubled as our Law Minister?”
I replied : I only wish for a better Malaysia !!

Endnote : The reader also quoted Deng Xiaopeng’s  “空谈误国,实干兴邦,不要再进行所谓的争论了”, which means “Empty talks would lead the country astray, and hard work can rejuvenate the nation, stop impractical arguments”.
I believe that PR can walk the talk and not using mere rhetorics. The Pakatan states have proven that. Having said that, we need time for a complete overhaul of what was done for the past 55 years. By engaging in lively debates like the American Presidential debates would be the way forward. Even rakyats like us can engage in lively debates on social media like this would not be deemed as impracticable arguments.


  1. Sad not many comments. U need towork harder to get readership & support?

  2. Dear anon,

    Thanks ...any suggestions?

  3. the major problem is, PR does not doing better either. how PR ensure could doing better then other? most of PR major in lawyer but not a PRO in other field. can you build better construction? can you plant the tree well? can you write a software? NO WAY! both party just ACT and own benefit. laws created by human but it also could abuse use by greedy human.

    更美好的马来西亚是该从错误学起而不是去改变,谁都会改。 就算改了但没有去检讨问题,那么往日还是一样的就算 PR 执政

    1. Dear Anon,

      There is a big difference between PR and BN as follows : -

      I. Myth 1 : Dr Mahathir in his Chedet blog said that Malaysians are better off with the devil you know (BN) than the angel you don’t (PR). Dr M is trying to use another age old trick, fear of the unknown.
      Debunked 1 : The problem with this thinking is that PR’s capabilities are not unknown anymore. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
      Proof 1 : We are lucky to have 4 states (Penang, Selangor, Kedah and Kelantan) to showcase our capabilities. We managed to run the states with well. So well that it was certified by the Auditor General himself and tabled in the Parliament.
      Proof 2 : The BN’s government’s policies are merely mimicking Pakatan’s policies. Like the handouts to the senior citizens and newborn babies in Penang and Selangor. However, the similarities ended there as Pakatan is not like BN who needs to borrow money to give handouts. Due to prudent management, Pakatan states can give back to the Rakyat.

      II. Compare BN's leader Chua Soi Lek (CSL) and PR's leader Lim Guan Eng (LGE)
      CSL's only courage was to own up to a sex video (CCTV) which made him well known to all Malaysians, Asians and the whole world. He was even rewarded by the MCA's delegates to be the President, immediately after that ! Speaks volumes of the quality of delegates that MCA has by electing a morally tainted person to represent Malaysia. Whereas LGE's courage is quite different. He was incarcerated for defending an underaged girl whom he does not know. He suffered in jail for 18 months and he was also disqualified from standing for public office for a period of five years. He was the David fighting the Goliath in the form of big bullies, Barisan Nasional. He never gave up. For his courage and sacrifice, he was rewarded by the Rakyat to be the Chief Minister of Penang.

  4. Nicole,I like your guts,you can promote more on your works via FB,like Antony Loke.The minute you raise important issue ,people will share via FB ,twitter or any social media.Good luck.


  5. Stk, thanks for the encouragement !
