Thursday, 3 January 2013

FLOM - To parody or not ? That is the question.

UBAH Rocket Style New Year Launch party - 2nd of January, 2012

I received two complaints so far from my FB page that last night's UBAH Rocket Style party's parody of Rosmah aka FLOP (First Lady of the beloved Prime Minister) was childish. Let me give you a brief background. Last night, I attended the abovementioned event. It was held in the KL and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall. There was a  skit involving PSY and Rosmah impersonators. It was a stand up comedy ala Saturday Night Live on NBC in USA.  

Two readers of my blog commented that it was childish. They are saying that the difference between us, Pakatan and BN is UBAH. How can we UBAH if we act like BN i.e personal attacks. One of them ("The first reader") went on to say there’s no difference between the parody of Rosmah and the butt shaking in front of Ambiga’s house.

Well, my two sens' worth. I shall give an example of when one is defamed, there are defences available for the Defendant in order to absolve himself/herself i.e fair comment or justification. The fact that we put our necks and open ourselves to such a suit (which may include criminal defamation prosecution) means that we are not afraid of the consequences as we have our defences.

To compare Rosmah and Ambiga is an insult to the latter but anyway, Ambiga demanded for a clean and fair election aka BERSIH whereas Rosmah has been caught red handed with her different Birkins for different outfits. Rosmah’s name was on the customs papers for the USD24 million ring. There were many reports on her extravagant shopping trips not by the alternative media but by the foreign media.

One reader came to our defence saying that in more mature democratic  countries like USA,  parody is part and parcel of life. They have  shows like SNL, David Letterman, Jay Leno etc making fun of politicians.  A mature civil society should be able to laugh at themselves.

The first  reader was of the opinion that talk show hosts are not politicians although they may support them. The talk show hosts  job was to gain criticism and infamy. The more infamous they get, the better their ratings are. The job of a politician is to be a leader that the rakyat can look up to. A leader that hopefully is better than we are.

The whole spirit of Ubah is to "change", because we have a corrupt, gutter politic, racist goverment. A government that is childish with childish politicians preying on fear and calling people names with posters like gay and lesbian. The first reader trust the Opposition's leadership is better than what we have.

In developed countries, there's a measure of decorum that is followed. Upcoming low level politicians still shoot their mouths off. They keep one or two of these troublemakers for their entertainment value and as dogs for dirty jobs but as far as the no.1 people are concerned and party events you don't parody your opponent's wife. You do not sully yourself with the dirty work.

To that I say. Although I agree that talk show hosts are different from politicians, we always fall back on justification and fair comment. Childish? Well, just like how we love to belittle our loved ones in a very endearing manner. Is that childish or just plain humour ? Think about it. Life is too short to be too idealistic. It is good to be humans as humans are not perfect!

Guess who I bumped into last night ? 


  1. There is a fundamental difference between the Roket Ubah video and also various UMNO scare and violent tactics.

    DAP's Ubah Bird, Ubah Roket etc is designed to merge substantive issues with creative comedy - to make us laugh and think at the same time. Blame it on Malaysians who can't digest substantive but serius issues owing to short attention span and general lack of willingness to read.

    On the other hand, UMNO BN's works is tailored towards making people goes wild and violent - buttock exercise causes revolt but political violence such as attack on ANAK delegate in Felda area, stabbing of PKR supporting in Gombak, continuos violence in ABU ceramahs, supplement those daily verbal threats from PM, DPM, former PM, MCA honcho etc....

    I will take DAP's approach anyday, which provoke thinking, laughter and after thought. Unlike UMNO BN who provoke hatred, fear and distrust.

  2. Is it this year's (2013) event or last year's (2012)?

  3. Ms Nicole,

    Come to the realization that until & unless you accept everything & everyone around you as perfect, you cannot be any different from them or what they propagate. Your very words here of "corrupt, gutter politic & racist government" reflects your personal sentiments that you are a consciousness that those you are against are currently in - hatred, anger, violence.

    Come to the understanding that like you the are perfect and that there in nothing wrong in what they are doing, whatever label you attach to it. Its just that it is no longer relevant now for the consciousness of the majority of people now. The opposite of hate/anger is love/peace, they are opposite sides of the same coin. You cannot use a coin (currency) by only accepting once side because it has a nice imprint/picture that appeals to you. You accept it its totality and thus its a currency for trade. Likewise until you come to the acceptance that there is nothing wrong with hate/anger, etc you cannot truly be an instrument of love/peace, etc. In order to transcend hate/anger (that your opponents now propagate) you must come to this acceptance 1st. Otherwise sub-consciously you keep propagating what they are - just in a different way.

    The Christian say that the Christ said "of all the commandments, the greatest is Love they Neighbour as THYSELF". It is even more important than not committing murder, blasphemy, etc, because once you see no distinction between you and your opponent you have transcended all barriers and all walls drop naturally and there is no more opponent and thus you could not possibly break any of the other 9 commandments.

    To be a leader/agent of transformation/revolution (which is badly needed by this beloved land of MALAIUR, one must naturally dis-cease from the common practise of negative labelling of others - this is born naturally once you have acceptance of the abovementioned.

    Then a Nelson Mandela (a rare political leader who is badly need here) is born....and transformation of our land will occur in less that 1 generation.

    Dont be the norm....there are hundreds around - each singing the same song but in different tunes carrying different flags. Be a Nelson Mandela.

  4. Ditto Anonymous!

    To add, life is too short not to be idealistic.

    Rakyat wants new leaders, great leaders. More Mandelas, Gandhis and Dalai Lamas,

    Mother Theresas; Pak Mi and Mak Intan that take care of 500+ dogs and cats in Alor Setar.

    To err is human. Indeed. But to lead means being more than human.

    Clinton was a failure as a human. He cheated on his wife. Censured in Congress. he has no where to go.
    Soi lek is human, he also cheated on his wife. HE stepped down. But amazingly got back up.

    Unfortunately, there's just too many humans in parliament, and we cannot accept that as an argument because one cannot be mere humans to be the beacon of leadership.

    All these great leaders made massive sacrifices and stood up above and beyond their peers.

    That is what we wish for from the new Pakatan Leaders.

    and these examples are the ones that will win votes.
